Notice of Annual General Meeting 2025
Jan 24 2025
Founded 2006
This year we will hold the AGM on Saturday 8th March at 11am as guests of St Pancras Cruising Club, Camley Street LONDON N1C 4PN. This a canal boat club located on the Regents Canal in central London. Members are encouraged to use public transport (underground, rail, bus etc) to get to either Kings Cross or St Pancras stations. The entrance to the club is a short walk (500m) from both. Likewise, any members travelling from continental Europe on Eurostar will be welcome as they can arrive at St Pancras International. For those who would prefer to drive, the club has a free, secure car park just outside the congestion charge zone, that can accommodate a limited number of cars (please let us know in advance please)
The AGM is an opportunity to receive the formal reports of the Chairman, Treasurer and officers, carry out the constitutional; requirements of the club and elect committee members by due procedure. We will provide details of the Club’s Programme for this year. The AGM is a good opportunity to hear directly from the event organisers on what we have planned.
We are planning to make available a modest lunch of sandwiches from an outside caterer so, in order to plan for this, please confirm your attendance at the meeting by contacting John Winer via this button(Click here). If you let us know, we will do our best to cater for dietary requirements.
For those wishing to make this a day out, the club is at the centre of an area of London that has been transformed over recent years to a vibrant location for shopping, eating and canalside leisure.
Full details of the agenda and are included in the attached notice.
We look forward to seeing you on the 8th of March.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Founded 2006
The 19th Annual General Meeting will be held at 11-00 am on Saturday 8th March 2025 at St Pancras Cruising Club, Camley Street LONDON N1C 4PN. The Club will open from 10-00 am for Coffee.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of AGM 2024.
3. Matters arising
4. Chairman’s report
5. Treasurer’s report and presentation of the Club’s accounts
a) Resolution to adopt the Club’s Accounts
6. Committee membership -
7. Events for 2025: presentations by event organisers
8. Any other business
John Winer Secretary
2025 Subscriptions
Members are reminded that subscriptions are due on 1st February 2025
It was announced in 2019 that for those UK individuals prepared to pay by standing order their subscription of £35 would be fixed for five years; for all other UK members, the Club reserves the right to adjust subscriptions to meet administration costs. Subscriptions for overseas members will remain at their current levels of £25/Euros 30 for Europe and £30 for overseas areas outside Europe.
Payment details can be found in the ‘Membership Renewal’ page in the Members’ section of the Club’s website.